The BENEATH THE LIGHTS contest has ended! If you were able to stop by and say hello on Facebook, IG, or Twitter, thanks for doing so! If you didn’t win a copy and still want one, feel free to DM me. Santa can totally add to the list!
Also, I’m happy to tease that I’ve got a spring novella in the works called BENEATH THE LACE and the new date for KING ABDICATION will be announced soon! I’ll be archiving some of the game posts but BENEATH THE LIGHTS is available for only $0.99 through the end of the year! If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter yet, click over to that page so you can get first looks at new covers and other fun things next year! And I’ll see you at the beginning of 2022 for more special announcements, super positive shares, and sneakpeeks into the new books!
Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!